Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Our very Best Wishes to everyone this year. Without forgetting those who are less fortunate than us. Be Grateful. For there, without the Grace of GOD, go I.

Have a thought this Thanksgiving for the less fortunate.
Including that of the Turkey, and the Homeless.
There but for the Grace of GOD, go I.

Yvonne Dunlap would like to share this Caregiver Poem by DAWN MAZOLA.

By Dawn Mazzola.

Only A Cna?

© Dawn Mazzola
Who are you to refer to us,
As "Only" a CNA?

We're the ones who wash and dress,
Our patients for the day.

We're the ones who take the time,
To listen to them speak.

We listen about their lifetime,
In a forty hour week.

We also give our hands to hold,
When someone's feeling scared.

It's not easy being a patient,
You're never quite prepared.

We take the time to listen,
By lending both our ears.

We listen to their worries,
Or how they've spent their years.

Our arms were made to reach,
And even wrap around.

To give our patients hugs,
When their feeling a little down.

We help our patients do the things,
They used to do on their own.

Everybody needs some help,
Even when we're grown.

So who are you to refer to us,
As "only" a CNA?

We do our best to meet their needs,
Within our working day.

We chose to do this job,
The job did not choose us.

We sympathize and empathize,
Compassion is a must.

We try to keep them comfortable,
And free of any fear.

We sit along beside them,
When that time is near.

We hold their hand, stroke their hair,
Just making sure they know.

Their not alone, an aide is there,
It's ok for them to go.

To all the CNA's keep your head held high,

We're not "only" CNA's.


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Some People are like SLINKIES, ha ha ha ha .... just kidding! Lighten UP. :D It's all in the Attitude.

Actually, it's all in the mind of the beholder.
Funny. Disgusting. Annoying.
And, we control the master switch!

Not everyone is going to agree with you.
But, then again, they don't HAVE to.
You don't have to go around deleting anyone who has a fresh or different viewpoint from yours.
It is mature, to be able to work with, 
if not like the people around you.
It is even better if you can actually Dislike someone, 
yet still Respect their workmanship.

Children make Life so simple, I like you, I hate you etc.

But, in the adult world, you are quite capable 
of having TWO or more emotions

Dislike, Respect, Like, Disrespect. 
It's all possible at the same time.

Seriously, if you want to complicate your Life 
with added drama.
If you keep doing the same things 
but expect different results,
Maybe it's YOUR fault things don't improve.

Our Attitude, and Perspectives 
are souley our own responcibility.

Along with Ethics, these are our own & no-one
but no-one can steal them from us.
Unless we let them.

Sometimes, changing our angle
might be all that is needed to
see the beauty of something,
we didn't understand before.
It's all in our Perspective.
Sometimes, changing our Attitude might
be the answer to a bad situation.

Monday, November 4, 2013

I will not go peacefully into the night, for tomorrow I shall rise again!

“There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask "Why…" 
I dream of things that never were, and ask "Why not?” 
Robert “Bobby” Kennedy, American Politician and Civil Right Activist

Everyday, each one of us carries our cross.
Each of us handles our own set of problems.
But, when the day is done, and we look back. It is only ourselves we can hold responcible.
Did we do our best, or just do the very least 'to get by'.
Or, can we say with no regrets, tomorrow is another day.
Because whatever we are handling today, the only constant in Life is Change.
No burden will remain forever.
No worry will become cast in stone.
There will always be those better off, and those with lesser circumstances.
It is our choice what to think, and how to evolve.
Either successfully, or languishing in a puddle of 'What Ifs'.
Do NOT go peacefully into the night, but instead,
Be Thankful for oppertunities and challenges.
Be grateful for what is done, and the tools to do it with.
Be resolved to do the same thing again, tomorrow.
But better than you did today.
And, when the early light slips through the darkness,
be Thankful again.
And, rise.


The stressed out life of a CNA

Thought you all would like to read and reflect on this story:

This morning I got a call from a supervisor of a nursing facility. This supervisor was beyond frustration. Stressed, disappointed and between a rock and a hard place. The supervisor had three nursing assistants call out of work for the day shift on a Saturday. Unfortunately, more people call off work on the weekends than on weekdays.

We see this scenario often. Nursing assistants take a six-week or six-month course (depending on the program) learning how to care for patients, take their vitals, bathe them, assist in feeding, assist in walking and mobility, respond to call bells when patients have needs. They are on the go all of the time. When they go through training, when they research the field of nursing assistant, when they decide they would like to work with patients, they should know that this is a difficult, fast-paced, and often thankless job. They provide a majority of the direct patient care. They probably have more interaction with each patient than others in their facility.

So why do they call off?

Many nursing assistants are professionals, showing up when scheduled with smiles on their faces ready to help and serve their patients. Many don't realize how much emotional strength it takes to be a good nursing assistant. They see patients die. Patients that they become attached to and care for pass away or move on to another facility. They are responsible for intimate care of the elderly and infirm. Some are very reliable, always showing up. However, many have not mastered the emotional strength to deal with the work.

We have been hearing of the nursing shortage for quite some time. We need to look also at the nursing assistant shortage.

When I go into a facility, I can usually tell who is a nurse or a nursing assistant. The nursing assistants look tired. They look worried. Some move slowly. Some have been nursing assistants for over 20 years and their 'get up and go' got up and went out the door.

Another issue is the reliability factor. Many haven't held a job for a long period of time before going into this field. Were they calling off work in their former job? How often did they call off? How well do you know the person you hired?

What is the answer? I believe there are several. First: proper training. Not just a six-week course showing them how to do the job. There should be ongoing training in how to deal with stresses in their job, both at work and at home.

When they call off, instead of ignoring them, or reprimanding them, find out why they called off. Many won't tell you. Get them talking. Find out if it is the schedule is too tough. Find out if it was the fact that yesterday they had so many patients and they are exhausted. Find out if it's outside issues.

Schedule regular training classes for them. Keep them interested in their job.

Keep them motivated to do a good job and reward them. The economy is tight. We all are working harder with fewer resources.

Don't forget to give these hard-working people incentives to show up to work on time, and each scheduled day.

Give them education, training, even if it's one hour monthly of new things to help them deal with their stressful job.

Give them opportunities to take care of personal business.

Find out why weekends are hard for them. Did they stay up too late on Friday night? Do they have family or church obligations on the weekends?

Help your nursing assistants be successful. Remember they are going to take care of you, too, someday.


Someone help me to understand this... I took an economics course in high school and, granted that is not a lot of knowledge, but one thing I do remember quite clearly is the law of supply and demand. It goes something like this... The less of something there is relative to the demand for it, the more expensive that item is. On almost all the information I have read regarding the CNAcareer, they say that there is a huge and growing demand for CNA's in the coming years. There is also a huge turnover problem and quick burnout due to the stress of the job. It seems that employers spend a lot of money and time hiring and training new employees on an ongoing basis. The one complaint I have heard over and over again is that facilities are cronically understaffed. Why is it that the salaries of RN's reflect this dire need for employees in the health field but those for CNA's remain abyssmally low? Wouldn't it make sense for salaries to be even half that of nurses given the high demand? CNA's have more direct contact hours with patients in very demanding and stressful situations and patient care depends on CNA's being "on top of their game" at all times! Is it a wonder then that there are so many allegations of patient neglect and abuse in the direct care industry? Actually I think that most CNA's I have worked with go above and beyond their duty because they enter this field due to their inherent compassion and sense of duty. What does this situation say about this society where the people who work with the frailest and most vulnerable members of the society because they are compassionate (with children, the sick and the elderly) are the ones who get paid the least and have some of the worst working conditions?

The Lighter Side of Getting Old.






We all love BETTY WHITE

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Are Caregivers allowed to be NUDISTS????

Actually, that's as leading a question as,
"Would you hire a Muslim caregiver?"
You see, Caregivers, paid or unpaid, are people, too.
And, we often forget to respect people in all types of industry as human individuals.

A part of the background, no more important than a piece of furniture.
Well, I am exporting ideas and concepts from around the globe. And, quite liberally shaking up our feeling of comfort. After all, it is far easier to cling to previously made concepts. Than to embrace new ideas.

So ... my question remains ...
in an unorthodox manner.
Are there Christians on a Nudist Beach?
Is a Muslim Caregiver allowed to minister to a Jewish client?
Are men good Nurses?
Should the Elderly excercise?
Should there be a 'Banking System' of Caregiving Hours?

Should the Government provide Social Medicine?
Aren't YOU interested in peoples' point of view in these matters?
Please comment. 
We welcome Diversity.