Friday, August 17, 2012

This morning @ Ormond Beach. Wish you were here.

 If only you could have seen how beautiful it was on the East Coast today, almost like a mill pond. Or, better still. Like the Gulf.

I am now taking my early morning coffee on the beach before the season is over. There are barely a couple of months left to enjoy warmer waters and balmy weather.

Hopefully, one of you will run into me and say Hello. Or join me with such beauty its hardly like a work week, at all. It would be a crime to not participate in God's good work.

Do you know, there are peops who live within a quarter mile from the beach, who never come here to inhale the ions, or smell the seaweed :D

They will invent every excuse in the book, rather than just do it. Why people would rather spend their days locked up in a dreary indoor existance is beyond me ... visiting the beach is FREE. Its a healthy passtime. Its something that should not be taken for granted ...

Enough of their negativity.

If you do come by, dont forget to look out for an older woman playing on her brand new boogie board. Still enjoying the things kids do ... why should they have all the FUN ??!! ha ha ha ha .
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